Who we are
The (IP&T Center) was created by the UPM following the initiative of a number of highly competitive and recognized research groups working in the fields of Electronics, Communications, Networks, Computing and Software, with a strong vocation for multidisciplinarity and internationalization.
The Center is formed by around 150 researchers of 17 research groups with activities in the major technological areas of: Electronics and Systems, Radio and Wireless, Multimedia Technologies, Networks and Applications and Technologies for a Secure Society.
The Center is composed of specialized Research Groups which flexibly organize themselves to form Multidisciplinary Teams to address large projects or challenges in the prioritary research areas.
Recent Projects
View more projectsCOST Action IC1105 : 3D-ConTourNet-3D Content Creation, Coding and Transmission over Future Media Networks
Realización de un sistema de comunicaciones Aire-Aire con antenas inteligentes para enlaces de datos en UAV
Asesoramiento y soporte técnico en los componentes de radio frecuencia de la carga útil regenerativa de la nueva generación de satélites para el despliegue de la constelación NB-IoT NTN de Sateliot
TERAHerz integrated systems enabling 6G Terabit-per-second ultra-massive MIMO wireless systems (TERA6G)
Diseño de un amplificador modular de alta potencia en tecnología GAN para sistemas IFF de medio y largo alcance con modo 5 y modo S
Desarrollo de modelos de inteligencia artificial para el análisis de imágenes histopatológicas y construcción de modelos de predicción
Sistema de control virtual para el gobierno de megaconstelaciones satelitales (VIRGOSAT24)
ORION – Octo ReconfIgurable cONverter
Recent publications
View more publications2016
A Simplified Computer Vision System for Road Surface Inspection and Maintenance
Marcos Quintana, Juan Torres and José Manuel Menéndez
Algorithm 959: VBF: A Library of C plus plus Classes for Vector Boolean Functions in Cryptography
José Antonio Álvarez Cubero, Pedro José Zufiria Zataraín
Electronically Reconfigurable Reflective Phase Shifter for Circularly Polarized Reflectarray Systems
Padilla de La Torre, Pablo; Valenzuela Valdés, Juan F.; Padilla de La Torre, José Luis; Fernández González, José Manuel; Sierra-Castañer, M.
Electrical and Noise Modeling of GaAs Schottky Diode Mixers in the THz Band
Diego Pardo, Jesús Grajal, and Susana Pérez
Generation of Aircraft Intent Based on a Microstrategy Search Tree
Guillermo Frontera ; Juan A. Besada; Javier López-Leonés
Diffantom: Whole-Brain Diffusion MRI Phantoms Derived from Real Datasets of the Human Connectome Project
Oscar Esteban, Emmanuel Caruyer, Alessandro Daducci, Meritxell Bach-Cuadra, María J. Ledesma-Carbayo, Andres Santos
Automatic Synthesis of Anthropomorphic Pulmonary CT Phantoms
Daniel Jimenez-Carretero , Raul San Jose Estepar, Mario Diaz Cacio, Maria J. Ledesma-Carbayo
Asymmetric Data Acquisition System for an Endoscopic PET-US Detector
Carlos Zorraquino, Ricardo Bugalho, Manuel Rolo, Jose C. Silva, Viesturs Vecklans, Rui Silva, Catarina Ortigáo, Jorge A. Neves, Stefaan Tavernier, Pedro Guerra, Andres Santos, Joáo Várela
What we do
Research Areas
Connected Industry
Data-driven, cognitive computation, Big Data, IoT
Data Engineering & Digital Transformation
Target sector orientation, data exploitation, advanced modelling
Future Telecomms
Signals, media, networks and security
Health and Wellbeing support
Independent ageing, improved health care and p-health services
Interaction & Interfaces
Auto-deployable advanced intelligent systems
Mobility and Transport
Air, surface, multimodal
Remote Sensing & Space
Devices, algorithms, systems and applications
Smart Cities
Spaces, resources, citizens
What we do
Electronics and Systems
Auto-deployable advanced intelligent systems
Multimedia Content Technologies
High quality content, design or novel UX
Network and Applications
Cloud services, social graphs, public ICT policies
Radio and Wireless
5G, SDR, cognitive radio
Software Technologies & Data Science
Big data, Cognitive Science
Technologies for a secure Society and Cybersecurity
Risk management, data privacy, detection of anomalous behaviours
News & Events
March 21, 2023
El Hub Español de Gaia-X identifica más de 20 casos de uso de espacios de datos compartidos en la Industria
November 21, 2022
Una tesis doctoral de un investigador del IPTC, galardonada por el Ayuntamiento de Madrid
November 16, 2022
El profesor Juan Alberto Besada Portas elegido Vicepresidente del Comité Científico de SESAR
Our first IPTC Report
Throught specific examples of outcomes, we provide an overall view of our research and innovation in different areas of knowledge during this starting period.