IPTC-Amazon Collaboration


 IPTC and Amazon have launched a joint training initiative for master students in applications of machine and deep learning, specifically in technologies to extract and combine self-supervised representations for multimedia processing. These technologies have a great potential in many areas such as content generation (audio, image, video, or sign language representation), classification, labelling or search.

For 2022-2023, the training plan is:

1.- Initiative presentation & recruiting. The initiative, research topic and recruiting procedure will be introduced to the students enrolled in UPM ETSIT Master courses.

2.- Study & training. Five selected students will join the initiative and, for some months, will start to gain knowledge and develop their skills in the area or work.

3.- Applications development. In parallel with the study & training stage, students will initiate the development of several applications, such as:

  • Sign language motion generation from high level sign characteristics
  • Speaker diarization with multimodal inputs
  • Pose and spatial movement as input for dynamic content search & generation
  • Entangling AI-audio synthesis models and multimodal representations
  • Zero-shot sonorizing of video sequences

These applications might change depending on the state-of-the-art evolution and the availability of the necessary resources.

Students will be supervised along all the process by both IPTC professors and AMAZON researchers.


Detailed description of activities

Call for students

UPM DRIVE link for sharing information

rec2.JPG Slides of the Kick-off meeting (Fist GM), Dec 1st, 2022
first-GM-20230123.jpg Slides of the Second General Meeting, Jan 23rd, 2023
OnlineMeeting_13April23.png Slides of the Third General Meeting, April 13rd, 2023
IPTC-Amaoon-visit_28032023.png Andrzej visits IPTC, April 28th, 2023
IPTC-Amaoon-Fourth-Meeting Slides of the Fourth Technical Meeting, June 15th, 2023
IMG_2959.png Slides of the Final Technical Meeting (Part I, Part II), Nov. 15th, 2023



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