News & Events
- 03/07/2019July 2nd, Salon de Actos Edificio C, ETSIT_UPM, Madrid (and remote sites) Commemorates the first Isabel event and will connect again participants from all over…
- 03/07/2019El IPTC organiza el curso de verano Practical Introduction to Deep Learning and Keras, que impartirá el profesor Luis A. Hernández Gómez. El curso-seminario se…
- 03/07/2019El prof. Luis A. Hernández Gómez ha sido distinguido con el premio de la Fundación Quirón salud a la Innovación Asistencial, como investigador principal del…
- 03/07/2019El prof. Manuel Sierra Castañer ha sido elegido Vicechair de la European Association of Antennas and Propagation (EurAAP), cargo del que ha tomado posesión en…
- 25/06/2019El diseño de las redes 5G responde a las necesidades de una sociedad hiperconectada, que demanda elevadas velocidades en el acceso, mayor cobertura y el…
- 23/06/2019The PhD thesis titled “Contribution to the millimeter-wave propagation characterization for satellite and 5G wireless links” has been successfully completed in March 2019 by Domingo…
- 23/06/2019July 2nd, Salon de Actos Edificio C, ETSIT_UPM, Madrid (and remotesites) CommemoratesthefirstIsabeleventandwillconnectagainparticipantsfromallovertheworld.ThefirstIsabeleventwasthesecondSummerSchoolonAdvancedBroadbandCommunicationin July1994,a3-day eventconnecting5auditoriumslocatedinSpain,PortugalandSwitzerland.Speakersandattendeescouldattendinanyofthesites.ISABELconnectedoverthefirstATMbroadbandinfrastructurestodemonstratethepowerofbroadbandapplications. TheSummerSchool1994andtheeventsfollowingweremadepossiblebytheecosystemcreated byEuropeanprograms,withlargecollaborationsamongoperators(TelefónicaI+DorCET,DeutscheTel.,…),research(UPM, U.Aveiro,IJS, BADLab,..),companieslikeTelscom,Martel,..),NRENsandmanyothersinthecontextofRACEandACTSprojectslikeISABEL,BRAIN,IBER,EXPLOIT,BINET,CATALYST,EXPERT,NICE,BETEUS,TECODIS,etc.Itenabledthesetupof Isabeleventsoverthefirstbroadbandnetworks,fosteringinnovationandnewservices. Aftertwodecadesofcreatingcollaborationservicesandevents,Isabeldidnotsurvivethe emergenceofthecloudforInternetserviceprovision.NeverthelesstheIsabelsoftwareevolved intotheLynckia/Licode(,,thefirstWebRTCMCUreleasedasopensoftware.TodayLynckia/Licodeisbeingusedworldwidebymany companiesandspin-offstoimplementcollaborativeserviceswithrealtimevoiceandvideo. …
- 23/06/2019Prof. Antonio Ortega, from the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Southern California, gave a seminar “Graph Signal Processing for Machine Learning Applications: New Insights…
- 23/06/2019Prof. Albert Wang gave a seminar about “LED-Based Visible Light Communications System-on-Chip”, the past May 20th. Prof. Wangis the Director for the Laboratory for Integrated Circuits…
- 23/06/2019El IPTC organiza el curso de verano Practical Introduction to Deep Learning and Keras, que impartirá el profesor Luis A. Hernández Gómez. El curso-seminario se…
- 23/06/2019El prof. Luis A. Hernández Gómez ha sido distinguido con el premiode la Fundación Quirónsalud a la Innovación Asistencial, como investigador principal del proyectoAppnea: Aplicación…
- 23/06/2019El prof. Manuel Sierra Castañer ha sido elegido Vicechair de la European Association of Antennas and Propagation (EurAAP), cargo del que ha tomado posesión en…
- 23/06/2019Luis M. Contreras y Jesús L. Folgueira Redes IP y de Transporte, Dirección Global de Sistemas y Red Telefónica El diseño de…
- 03/03/2019Information Processing and Telecommunications Center
- 11/02/2019Para una compañía que maneja una gran cantidad de operaciones logísticas, es sólo cuestión de tiempo que los coches autónomos estén presentes en nuestras vidas.…
- 11/02/2019Para una compañía que maneja una gran cantidad de operaciones logísticas, es sólo cuestión de tiempo que los coches autónomos estén presentes en nuestras vidas.…
- 03/01/2019A new year usualy starts with new challenges to improve and develop technology. It is what blockchains proposes for this new year. This technology is…
- 03/01/2019A new year usualy starts with new challenges to improve and develop technology. It is what blockchains proposes for this new year. This technology is…
- 14/12/2018A new research has finally achieved a system that can identfy and repair software problems as a human being could fix it. Repairnator disguised under…
- 14/12/2018A new research has finally achieved a system that can identfy and repair software problems as a human being could fix it. Repairnator disguised under…
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Una tesis doctoral de un investigador del IPTC, galardonada por el Ayuntamiento de Madrid
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El profesor Juan Alberto Besada Portas elegido Vicepresidente del Comité Científico de SESAR
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