IPTC co-organizes the 11th Intl. Workshop on Spoken Dialog System Technolog

IPTC-UPM in collaboration with Universidad de Granada is organizing IWSDS2020 to be held in Madrid from May 18-20, 2020. Submission deadline is Jan 10, 2020. More information is available at: https://www.iwsds.tech @iwsds2020.
The Conference Chairs are Luis Fernando D’Haro (IPTC-UPM) and Zoraida Callejas (UG).
Submissions on the following topics are encouraged (not limited):
Engagement and emotion in human-robot in-teractions.
Digital resources for interactive applications.
Multi-modal and machine learning methods.
Companions, personal assistants and dialogue systems.
Proactive and anticipatory interactions.
Educational and healthcare robot applications.
Dialogue systems and reasoning.
Big data and large scale spoken dialogue systems.
Multi-lingual dialogue systems.
Conversational systems with personality information.
Spoken dialog systems for low-resource languages.
Domain Transfer and adaptation techniques for spoken dialog systems.
In addition, IWSDS will host three special ses-sions and one workshop:
Chatbots and Conversational Agents and Dialogue Breakdown Detection Challenge.
Dialogue systems for mental e-health.
Designing humor in human computer inter-action with focus on dialogue technology.
Speech Language and Conversation Tech-nologies for Iberian Languages.
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