The Information Processing and Telecommunications Center (IP&T Center) was created by the UPM following the initiative of a number of highly competitive and recognized research groups working in the fields of Electronics, Communications, Networks, Computing and Software, with a strong vocation for multidisciplinarity and internationalization.
The envisaged mission was to grow as a strategic R+D unit in ICT, capable of addressing major scientific and technological challenges, by looking at the problems with a different, multidisciplinary and disruptive view, and prepared to cooperate in a complex environment with other strong R+D actors, and offering multidisciplinary services with a high economic and social value.
The Center, by gathering the skills and experience of researchers and teams in a variety of ICT areas, will have as the main objective to improve radically the position of UPM as an institution facing the new challenges of research, innovation and education which are being posed by the emerging ICT technologies and services.
The IP&T Center focuses its research resources in the strategic areas of:
- Smart Cities
- Future Telecomms
- Connected Industry
- Data Engineering and Digital Transformation
- Interaction and Interfaces
- Health and Wellbeing Support
- Mobility and Transport
- Remote Sensing, Space and Defense.