Organization & Governance
The Center is composed of specialized Research Groups which flexibly organize themselves to form Multidisciplinary Teams to address large projects or challenges in the prioritary research areas.
Every Research Group has a Coordinator and every project in the Center has one or several Principal Investigators.
At different levels, the Center is conducted by the General Council, the Board of Management and the Management Team.
The General Council, composed by all the doctors in the Center, is in charge of the strategic issues, including the approval of the large term planning and the annual budget.
The Board of Management gathers representatives of the Groups in the Center, and is the responsible of defining the Center´s research, financing and human resources policies.
The Management Team is in charge of the ordinary management of the Center, executing the approved policies and strategies. It is formed by seven members, which include the Director, the Subdirectors and the Academic Secretary, and three members appointed by the Board of Management.
Complementary to the formal ordinary management structure, the Center has also:
- An Advisory Board, formed by a selected group of high-level managers, directors and reputed experts from companies and other Center´s partners.
- A number of Working Committees organized to define strategies and roadmaps for critical aspects of the Center, including technologies, applications and demonstrations, but also horizontal and organizational issues.
Dr. Rubén San Segundo Hernández
Dr. José María del Álamo Ramiro
Appointed Members
Dra. Ana María Bernardos Barbolla
Dr. Joaquín Luciano Salvachúa Rodríguez
Academic Secretary
Dr. Adrián Tamayo Domínguez
Dr. José Ramón Casar Corredera
Dr. Rubén San Segundo Hernández
Dr. Javier Gismero Menoyo
Appointed Members
Dr. María Luisa López Vallejo
Dr. Juan Carlos Yelmo García
Dr. Joaquín Luciano Salvachúa Rodríguez
Academic Secretary
Dra. Ana María Bernardos Barbolla
Dr. José Ramón Casar Corredera
Dr. Francisco González Vidal
Dr. Javier Gismero Menoyo
Appointed Members
Dr. María Luisa López Vallejo
Dr. Juan Carlos Yelmo García
Academic Secretary
Dra. Ana María Bernardos Barbolla