RFS launches beamforming antenna to support 3.5 GHZ band applications

Radio Frequency Systems (RFS) has released a new 8-port TDD beamforming antenna for the 3.5 gHz band (3300 to 3800 MHz). The ability to support 3.5 GHz applications is pivotal as operators around the world seek to accommodate grwing LTE demand, deploy new small cells and prepare for the rollout of 5G.
Radio Frequency Systems (RFS) has released a new 8-port TDD beamforming antenna for the 3.5 gHz band (3300 to 3800 MHz). The ability to support 3.5 GHz applications is pivotal as operators around the world seek to accommodate grwing LTE demand, deploy new small cells and prepare for the rollout of 5G.
Source: Microwave Journal
Image from Pixabay.
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