IPTC co-organizes the 11th Intl. Workshop on Spoken Dialog System Technolog


IPTC-UPM in collaboration with Universidad de Granada is organizing IWSDS2020 to be held in Madrid from May 18-20, 2020. Submission deadline is Jan 10, 2020. More information is available at: https://www.iwsds.tech @iwsds2020.

The Conference Chairs are Luis Fernando D’Haro (IPTC-UPM) and Zoraida Callejas (UG).

Submissions on the following topics are encouraged (not limited):

  • Engagement and emotion in human-robot in-teractions.

  • Digital resources for interactive applications.

  • Multi-modal and machine learning methods.

  • Companions, personal assistants and dialogue systems.

  • Proactive and anticipatory interactions.

  • Educational and healthcare robot applications.

  • Dialogue systems and reasoning.

  • Big data and large scale spoken dialogue systems.

  • Multi-lingual dialogue systems.

  • Conversational systems with personality information.

  • Spoken dialog systems for low-resource languages.

  • Domain Transfer and adaptation techniques for spoken dialog systems.

In addition, IWSDS will host three special ses-sions and one workshop:

  • Chatbots and Conversational Agents and Dialogue Breakdown Detection Challenge.

  • Dialogue systems for mental e-health.

  • Designing humor in human computer inter-action with focus on dialogue technology.

  • Speech Language and Conversation Tech-nologies for Iberian Languages.

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