Year 2020
Title Immediate, ubiquitous and affordable image diagnosis combining the power of AI, smartphones and 3d printing to achieve Universal Diagnosis by 2030
Leader Andrés Santos Lleó
Strategic Areas Health and Wellbeing support
Electronics and Systems
Software Technologies & Data Science
Funding Entity SPOTLAB, S.L.
El proyecto “Immediate, ubiquitous and affordable image diagnosis combining the power of AI, smartphones and 3d printing to achieve Universal Diagnosis by 2030”, del Programa H2020 de la Unión Europea, ha sido adjudicado a un consorcio en que participa Spotlab, que a su vez ha involucrado al Grupo de Tecnologías de Imágenes Médicas (BIT) del IPTC.
El Grupo BIT de IPTC se hará cargo de las tareas de Image Analysis & Processing y, en particular, de desarrollar: