What we do
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Research Areas
A Simplified Computer Vision System for Road Surface Inspection and Maintenance
Mobility and Transport
Multimedia Content Technologies
Software Technologies & Data Science
Algorithm 959: VBF: A Library of C plus plus Classes for Vector Boolean Functions in Cryptography
Future Telecomms
Technologies for a secure Society and Cybersecurity
Electronically Reconfigurable Reflective Phase Shifter for Circularly Polarized Reflectarray Systems
Future Telecomms
Remote Sensing & Space
Electronics and Systems
Electrical and Noise Modeling of GaAs Schottky Diode Mixers in the THz Band
Electronics and Systems
Generation of Aircraft Intent Based on a Microstrategy Search Tree
Mobility and Transport
Network and Applications
Software Technologies & Data Science
Diffantom: Whole-Brain Diffusion MRI Phantoms Derived from Real Datasets of the Human Connectome Project
Health and Wellbeing support
Software Technologies & Data Science
Automatic Synthesis of Anthropomorphic Pulmonary CT Phantoms
Health and Wellbeing support
Software Technologies & Data Science
Asymmetric Data Acquisition System for an Endoscopic PET-US Detector
Health and Wellbeing support
Electronics and Systems
A clinical method for mapping and quantifying blood stasis in the left ventricle
Health and Wellbeing support
Software Technologies & Data Science
Frequency Features and GMM-UBM approach for Gait-based Person Identification using Smartphone Inertial Signals
Interaction & Interfaces
Smart Cities
Electronics and Systems
Technologies for a secure Society and Cybersecurity
A Performance Study of CUDA UVM versus Manual Optimizations in a Real-World Setup: Application to a Monte Carlo Wave-Particle Event-Based Interaction Model
Future Telecomms
Smart Cities
Electronics and Systems
Improving Spanish speech synthesis intelligibility under noisy environments
Interaction & Interfaces
Electronics and Systems
I-vector analysis for gait-based person identification using smartphone inertial signals
Smart Cities
Electronics and Systems
Improving retail efficiency through sensing technologies: A survey
Connected Industry
Smart Cities
Electronics and Systems
Network and Applications
Estimation of the Atmospheric Mean Radiating Temperature Throughout the World in a Nonscattering Atmosphere
Remote Sensing & Space
Radio and Wireless
Delay Spread and Electromagnetic Reverberation in Subway Tunnels and Stations
Future Telecomms
Mobility and Transport
Radio and Wireless
An Application of IGS Zenith Tropospheric Delay Data to Propagation Studies: Validation of Radiometric Atmospheric Attenuation
Future Telecomms
Remote Sensing & Space
Radio and Wireless
A 4096-Point Radix-4 Memory-Based FFT Using DSP Slices
Future Telecomms
Remote Sensing & Space
Electronics and Systems
Radio and Wireless
In support of extending the Ravenscar profile
Connected Industry
Software Technologies & Data Science
X Band Phased Array Design for Radar Application
Remote Sensing & Space
Radio and Wireless
Research Areas