The EU-funded eNeuron project intends to develop innovative instruments for the best design and performance of LEC (Local energy communities), integrating distributed energy resources and multiple energy carriers at different levels. By promoting the Energy Hub concept as a conceptual model to control and manage multi-carrier and integrated energy systems, the project will propose instruments that promote tangible sustainability and energy security benefits for all stakeholders in LEC. The results will benefit local prosumers by reducing energy costs and promoting local low-carbon energy. It will also provide developers and solution providers with new opportunities for technologies and benefit distribution system operators. Distribution system operators (DSOs) benefit from avoiding grid congestion and deferring network investments. Policy makers benefit from increasingly sustainable and secure energy supply systems.
eNeuron: greEN Energy hUbs for local integRated energy cOmmunities optimizatioN
Project details
José M. Menéndez & Jesús Fraile
Funding Entity
Comisión Europea
Research Areas