Desarrollo de Plataforma UTM

Project details

Juan Alberto Besada Portas/Ana Mª Bernardos Barbolla
Funding Entity

Project detail

Indra and the IPTC have recently signed an ambitious 2-year R&D project to jointly develop an advanced prototype of the future traffic management systems to enable drone operations in all kinds of airspace (including the urban one) and operation, and specially for Very Low Level (<150 m above ground). This prototype will closely follow the future European drone management approach, summarized in the so-called U-Space concept, being developed under the framework of SESAR2020 program. The main functions of this prototype cover the whole U-Space, therefore encompassing:


o Enabling drone, pilot and operators´ registry.

o Providing operators and pilots information about flight regulations in different areas, needs to ask for permission or coordination, etc.

o Flight Authorization, considering potential risk to other aircraft and to people and assets in the ground

o Strategic Flight Plan Coordination to enable safe and efficient airspace use.

o Real Time Drone tracking, using both cooperative and non-cooperative sensors.

o Alerting to pilots, operators, and public services about contingencies due to lack of conformance to flight plan, to reduced separation with respect to other drones, communication or navigation contingency situations, …


Modern microservices-oriented architectures will be used for the implementation of the project’s prototype, as well as web-based and mobile interface to all systems users (pilots, operators, public services, etc.). With respect to current concepts of Air Traffic Management, much more automated system, making use of a number of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data techniques. The resulting prototype aims at providing an initial technology layer to build future Indra developments in this new market, leveraging its current worldwide leadership in Air Traffic Management. IPTC participates in this project through the GPDS research group.

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