Multimedia Content Technologies
- Technologies
- Electronics and Systems
- Multimedia Content Technologies
- Network and Applications
- Radio and Wireless
- Software Technologies & Data Science
- Technologies for a secure Society and Cybersecurity
The area of technologies for production, management and analysis of content, and in particular the exploitation of resources and systems based on video, images, voice, audio and multimedia is in general one of the critical enabling areas for a countless number of modern ICT applications and systems.
The Center addresses in this area a number of challenges that could be grouped into two main areas:
- In the line of tools and technologies for the creative and media industries (and convergence), the main challenges addressed are the advancement of technologies for the production of high quality content and the design of new user experiences, especially for an ubiquitous and broadband internet and on mobile and portable devices.
- In the line of multimodal communication systems, technological advances should enable the development of new communication and interaction services, including gestural interaction, augmented reality, voice, etc.