Mobile World Congress 2018: You can’t Teach an AI to Run a Telecom Network – Yet

Chris Rees spoke in one of the conference in The Mobilie World Congress about IA and machine learning outlook. He thinks the IA has just started but it implies a lot of opportunities in the Teleco space. With IA systems involved with machine learning we would solve industry’s problems like fraude management and network planning. We are not in that moment, but some examples are been proved with succes, such as the US Postal Service with Zip codes reading, advertisement related demographic consumers, or neural networks for mobile phones without internet connection.
Chris Rees spoke in one of the conference in The Mobilie World Congress about IA and machine learning outlook. He thinks the IA has just started but it implies a lot of opportunities in the Teleco space. With IA systems involved with machine learning we would solve industry’s problems like fraude management and network planning. We are not in that moment, but some examples are been proved with succes, such as the US Postal Service with Zip codes reading, advertisement related demographic consumers, or neural networks for mobile phones without internet connection.
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