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- 11–15 March 2019 2019 UNAGI Workshop
- 11–15 March 2019 2019 UNAGI Workshop
- 25th Isabel Anniversary
- 25th Isabel Anniversary
- 5 innovatives core ideas for the future society
- 5 innovatives core ideas for the future society
- A Look into the Future: The Applications Behind 5G
- A Look into the Future: The Applications Behind 5G
- A new AI system can identify objects at the speed of light
- A new AI system can identify objects at the speed of light
- A virtual “social” assistant for migrants
- A virtual “social” assistant for migrants
- Actividad IPTC: Inteligencia Artificial en Defensa; del Horizonte 2020 a las capacidades más allá de 2035.
- Adversarial detection games in network security applications
- Agreement signature between 5G and Cybersecurity with the aim to work in the same way
- Agreement signature between 5G and Cybersecurity with the aim to work in the same way
- AI Cloud Services
- AI Cloud Services
- AI is looking for a new improvement based on children brain
- AI is looking for a new improvement based on children brain
- Amazon is exploring ways to deliver items to your car trunk and the inside of your home
- Amazon is exploring ways to deliver items to your car trunk and the inside of your home
- Amazon y los coches autónomos: apuesta por Aurora
- Amazon y los coches autónomos: apuesta por Aurora
- An algorithm detecs heart attaks as well as human being
- An algorithm detecs heart attaks as well as human being
- Análisis de datos para la detección precoz de la enfermedad de Kawasaki
- Artículo IPTC: Detección temprana del Glaucoma
- Artículo IPTC: Reconocimiento de Gestos con Leap Motion
- Asamblea de ECTRI en la UPM
- AT&T Conducting Trials of Gbps Broadband Over Power Lines
- AT&T Conducting Trials of Gbps Broadband Over Power Lines
- AT&T Conducting Trials of Gbps Broadband Over Power Lines
- Blockchain smart contracts are finally good for something in the real world
- Blockchain smart contracts are finally good for something in the real world
- Comienza el Grado en Ingeniería y Sistemas de Datos en la ETSIT UPM
- Conferencia Estado del Arte de las Técnicas de Machine Learning
- Conferencia sobre “Siamese Networks”
- Contribution to public health data processing architectures applied to resilient smart cities affected by natural hazards
- Contribution to the millimeter-wave propagation characterization for satellite and 5G wireless links
- Contributions to Speech and Language Processing towards Automatic Speech Recognizers with Evolving Dictionaries
- Convenio de colaboración UPM-FENIN impulsado por IPTC
- Convocatoria Misiones I+D+i en IA
- Curso de verano Practical Introduction to Deep Learning and Keras
- Curso de verano Practical Introduction to Deep Learning and Keras
- Curso sobre 5G
- Cyberaula, awarded by the UPM as the best group for educational innovation
- Cyberaula, awarded by the UPM as the best group for educational innovation
- DCIS 2020 – XXXV Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems
- DCIS 2020, XXXV Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems
- Deadline approaching for the 14th ISIP Workshop
- Deep Neural Networks for vehicle driving characterization by means of smartphone sensors
- Desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías de imágenes biomédicas con el objetivo de mejorar los servicios de salud
- Día Internacional de la Mujer y la Niña en la Ciencia
- Digital health & care 2021 #DigiFest2021
- Drones sector development. Spanish Strategic Plan
- Drones sector development. Spanish Strategic Plan
- Drones sector development. Spanish Strategic Plan
- El equipo Genuine en el Alexa Prize Socialbot Grand Challenge 4
- El GTI es galardonado con el premio E-novva Salud 2022
- El Hub Español de Gaia-X identifica más de 20 casos de uso de espacios de datos compartidos en la Industria
- El prof. Luis A. Hernández Gómez ha sido distinguido con el premio de la Fundación Quirón salud a la Innovación Asistencial
- El prof. Luis A. Hernández Gómez ha sido distinguido con el premio de la Fundación Quirónsalud a la Innovación Asistencial
- El prof. Manuel Sierra Castañer ha sido elegido Vicechair de la European Association of Antennas and Propagation (EurAAP)
- El prof. Manuel Sierra Castañer ha sido elegido Vicechair de la European Association of Antennas and Propagation (EurAAP)
- El profesor Juan Alberto Besada Portas elegido Vicepresidente del Comité Científico de SESAR
- El Vehículo Autónomo y Conectado
- Event: Digital Transformation of the Industry
- Event: Digital Transformation of the Industry
- Evolución de las Redes de Transporte para 5G
- Evolución de las Redes de Transporte para 5G
- Extracto del 2020 Strategic Foresight Report | Changing the course towards a more resilient Europe
- Federated data in Cluster Big Data journey Madrid
- Félix Pérez, elegido Ingeniero del Año 2020
- Gaia-X
- Galileo comes to Madrid
- Galileo comes to Madrid
- Gestión del Transporte Aéreo: Del primer ATC de los 80 al futuro U-Space
- Graphene integrated photonic for next generation communications
- Graphene integrated photonic for next generation communications
- Hacia el Tren Conectado o Ferrocarril 4.0
- Hacia el Tren Conectado o Ferrocarril 4.0
- How machine learning and sensors are helping farmers boost yields
- How machine learning and sensors are helping farmers boost yields
- Huawei is ready to offer 5G services
- Huawei is ready to offer 5G services
- IMPACT Workshop
- IMPACT Workshop
- IMUP: Un sistema de apoyo a médicos y pacientes frente a COVID-19
- IMUP: Un sistema de apoyo a médicos y pacientes frente a COVID-19
- In 2019, Blockchains will start to become boring
- In 2019, Blockchains will start to become boring
- Industry’s First 5G NR Standard is Approved by 3GPP
- Industry’s First 5G NR Standard is Approved by 3GPP
- Industry’s First 5G NR Standard is Approved by 3GPP
- Informe-libro: Tecnologías estratégicas relacionadas con COVID-19
- Inteligencia Artificial en Defensa: Del Horizonte 2020 a las capacidades más allá de 2035
- Inteligencia Artificial para la Transición Energética Sostenible (IA4TES)
- IP&T Center
- IPTC co-organizes the 11th Intl. Workshop on Spoken Dialog System Technolog
- IPTC en el #UPMday22
- IPTC en el webinar sobre SmartHealth
- IPTC organizó la conferencia DCIS 2020
- IPTC Report 2017-2019
- IPTC Review 10
- IPTC Review 9
- IPTC-Amazon Collaboration
- IPTC-UPM con la industria 4.0
- Joaquín Salvachúa, representante del grupo de Universidades y Organismos de Investigación de Gaia-X
- Juan A. Besada, líder de la Task Force de Safety del Comité Científico de SESAR
- La European Microwave Week se celebra en España por primera vez. IFEMA. Feria de Madrid. 23-28 de septiembre de 2018
- La European Microwave Week se celebra en España por primera vez. IFEMA. Feria de Madrid. 23-28 de septiembre de 2018
- Main car makers launch European open charging network
- Main car makers launch European open charging network
- Main navigation Who We Are Research Education Facilities News & Events Newsletters Members Area Contact us Prof. Antonio Ortega University of Southern California, gave a seminar “Graph Signal Processing for Machine Learn
- Manuel Sierra Castañer, Fellow de la Asociación AMTA
- Metaverso, cada vez más cerca
- Miembros del IPTC-UPM se incorporarán al Equipo Rectoral de la UPM
- Mobile World Congress 2018: You can’t Teach an AI to Run a Telecom Network – Yet
- Mobile World Congress 2018: You can’t Teach an AI to Run a Telecom Network – Yet
- Modelado y reconocimiento de movimiento humano a través de sensores no intrusivos
- National Research Projects
- National Research Projects
- New 5G cross-border corridors for connected and automated driving announced at the Digital Day 2018
- New 5G cross-border corridors for connected and automated driving announced at the Digital Day 2018
- New better system than GPS has been founded
- New better system than GPS has been founded
- New brain-machine interface for paralyzed hands
- New brain-machine interface for paralyzed hands
- Nuevos sensores radar para la protección antidrón
- Open position as R&D and Innovation manager at IPTC
- Participación IPTC-UPM en el Data Management Summit 2019
- Participation and Prize of an IPTC Research Group in the National Cybersecurity Research Conference (Jornadas Nacionales de Investigación en Ciberseguridad – JNIC 2018)
- Participation and Prize of an IPTC Research Group in the National Cybersecurity Research Conference (Jornadas Nacionales de Investigación en Ciberseguridad – JNIC 2018)
- Ph.D. Corner: Contribution to dynamic risk management automation by an ontology-based framework
- PhD thesis “Contribution to the millimeter-wave propagation characterization for satellite and 5G wireless links”
- Premio de Investigación UPM
- Premios Cátedra UPM-CESEDEN: galardón trabajo fin de máster
- Premios V Noche de las Telecomunicaciones
- Presentación del NGIoT roadmap
- Presentado el “Plan de Choque de choque por la Ciencia y la Innovación”
- Prof. Albert Wang gave a seminar about “LED-Based Visible Light Communications System-on-Chip”
- Prof. Albert Wang gave a seminar about “LED-Based Visible Light Communications System-on-Chip”
- Prof. Antonio Ortega University of Southern California, gave a seminar “Graph Signal Processing for Machine Learning Applications: New Insights and Algorithm”
- Public cloud market will increase until one thousand million euros in 2020
- Public cloud market will increase until one thousand million euros in 2020
- Realidad Aumentada e Interacción. Si pudiéramos tocar los bits…
- Repairnator, this robot detects and repairs software fakes as a human
- Repairnator, this robot detects and repairs software fakes as a human
- Reseña Editorial
- RFS launches beamforming antenna to support 3.5 GHZ band applications
- RFS launches beamforming antenna to support 3.5 GHZ band applications
- Robotrader, un ejemplo de iniciativa de formación en Fintech
- Sculpting sound with new 3D audio tools
- Sculpting sound with new 3D audio tools
- Smarphones Will Get Even Smarter With On-Device machine Learning
- Smarphones Will Get Even Smarter With On-Device machine Learning
- Sobre Tecnologías para el Transporte
- Spinoff ZZLabs
- Tecnologías de Imágenes Médicas. Aplicación en el Caso de la COVID-19.
- Tesis doctorales Nov-Dic 2020 en IPTC
- The 16th International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE2020)
- The blockchain challenge: Blockchain doesn’t talk to each other
- The blockchain challenge: Blockchain doesn’t talk to each other
- The blockchain challenge: Blockchain doesn’t talk to each other
- The first “social network” of brains lets three people transmit thoughts to each other’s heads
- The first “social network” of brains lets three people transmit thoughts to each other’s heads
- The industrial Internet of Things
- The industrial Internet of Things
- The industrial Internet of Things
- Two days on-line seminar on Deep Generative Models (May 5, 19, 2021)
- Una tesis doctoral de un investigador del IPTC, galardonada por el Ayuntamiento de Madrid
- Unidad Conjunta de Investigación (JRU) entre Indra e IPTC-UPM
- UPM team selected for Alexa Prize Socialbot Challenge (SGC5)
- Varios trabajos realizados en el IPTC premiados de la Cátedra Ingeniero General D. Antonio Remón y Zarco del Valle
- Voice recognition at Onda Cero
- Voice recognition at Onda Cero
- What does every engineer need to know about 5G?
- What does every engineer need to know about 5G?
- What does every engineer need to know about 5G?
- Your Guide to the GDPR
- Your Guide to the GDPR
- Your Guide to the GDPR