Federated data in Cluster Big Data journey Madrid

Begoña Villacís, Madrid´s vice mayor, inaugurated last october 22th the II Cluster Data Technological journey Madrid, where Federated data was the main subject. Their aim is to improve procedures between administrations by sharing and combine data bases.
Joaquín Salvachúa, ETSI telecommunications UPM professor and IPTC member, participated in this event with his conference “building an european structure of data space”.
Salvachúa took part in the first session moderated by Sabina Guaylupo Villa from MyDataMood, that was also joined by Ana García Robles from Big Value Data Association.
The European strategy is to create an only data market, sharing bases and generating a safe environment. Madrid city hall is looking for this strategy with the launch of “Cluster Big Data Madrid”. According to Miguel Ángel Redondo, delegate of economy, innovation and employment, this cluster makes innovation the base of the employment improvement and allows startups and companies to grow.
In fact, this cluster has been chosen for the Gaia X Project which is an pilot initiative of the community strategy for the opening of data economy.
According to the vice mayor, each digital improvement leave part of the population behind, so it is our duty trying to stop those gaps between society and innovation. That´s why putting the information within everyone’s reach, we can improve the equality of oportunities.
About Cluster Big Data Madrid…
Cluster Big Data Madrid is an non-profit association created in 2020. This association brings together universities, technological and services companies, pymes, startups and big technological companies that develops their activities in Madrid with international projection.
Cluster Big Data Madrid is working in order to participate in the open data project wihch brings the need of the improvement of cibersecurity.
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