25th Isabel Anniversary
July 2nd, Salon de Actos Edificio C, ETSIT_UPM, Madrid (and remotesites)
CommemoratesthefirstIsabeleventandwillconnectagainparticipantsfromallovertheworld.ThefirstIsabeleventwasthesecondSummerSchoolonAdvancedBroadbandCommunicationin July1994,a3-day eventconnecting5auditoriumslocatedinSpain,PortugalandSwitzerland.Speakersandattendeescouldattendinanyofthesites.ISABELconnectedoverthefirstATMbroadbandinfrastructurestodemonstratethepowerofbroadbandapplications.
TheSummerSchool1994andtheeventsfollowingweremadepossiblebytheecosystemcreated byEuropeanprograms,withlargecollaborationsamongoperators(TelefónicaI+DorCET,DeutscheTel.,…),research(UPM, U.Aveiro,IJS, BADLab,..),companieslikeTelscom,Martel,..),NRENsandmanyothersinthecontextofRACEandACTSprojectslikeISABEL,BRAIN,IBER,EXPLOIT,BINET,CATALYST,EXPERT,NICE,BETEUS,TECODIS,etc.Itenabledthesetupof
Aftertwodecadesofcreatingcollaborationservicesandevents,Isabeldidnotsurvivethe emergenceofthecloudforInternetserviceprovision.NeverthelesstheIsabelsoftwareevolved intotheLynckia/Licode(http://lynckia.com/licode,https://github.com/lynckia/licode)project,thefirstWebRTCMCUreleasedasopensoftware.TodayLynckia/Licodeisbeingusedworldwidebymany companiesandspin-offstoimplementcollaborativeserviceswithrealtimevoiceandvideo.
TheLynckia/Licodebased“RoomoftheFuture”createdbyoneofsuchspin-offs,MashMe.io,istheclosestservicetowhatwedidinthe“oldISABELevents”.Itwillbeusedinthe25thIsabel AnniversarytoconnectagainandpresentmanysitesparticipatinginIsabeleventsduringsomany years.
25th Isabel Anniversary Program
The event will take place at Salón de Actos C of ETSIT – UPM connected to remote sites in Europe, America, Africa or Asia, using a MashMe.io “Room of the Future” to demonstrate the evolution of Isabel Services.
Participants in old Isabel sites will connect again and exchange reflections and lessons learned, as well as present new opportunities for today.
[Maquetado aquí: http://ging.github.io/isabel/agenda.html]
Guillermo Cisneros, Rector UPM (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)
Félix Pérez, Director ETSI Telecomunicación – UPM (site: UPM – Madrid)
Juan Carlos García López, Director of Tech. y Arch., Telefónica S.A. (site: UPM – Madrid)
Joao Bastos, Portugal Tel., ex Director PT Innovacao S.A. (site: TICE – Aveiro, Portugal)
University of Aveiro (tbc)
Short overview of the Isabel Evolution
J. Quemada, Head of ISABEL team and other ISABEL members (site: UPM – Madrid)
Messages and statements from:
Rinaldo Pedrazzini (site: EC – Brussels)
Ubuntunet Alliance
Margaret Ngwira & more, ex Director Ubuntunet (site: Malawi)
GEANT and other European sites
Cathrin Strover, GEANT Chief Collaboration Officer (site: GEANT – Amsterdam)
Vasco Lagarto, Director TICE , J. Dominguez, F. Fontes, PT (site: TICE – Aveiro, Port.)
Rui Aguiar (site: Univ. Aveiro Portugal)
Martin Potts (site: Algarve – Portugal)
Borka Jerman-Blazic, Dusan Gabrijelcic, Tomaz Klobucar (site: IJS – Lubjana)
Katherine Maillet (site: Telecom Sudparis – Paris )
European Commission (site: EC – Brussels)
Mario Campolargo, Deputy Director General Informatics of European Commission
Minerva Schools at KGI online University and Lynckia/Licode team
J. Salvachúa, J. Cerviño, P. Rodríguez, A. Alonso (site: UPM – Madrid)
MashMe.io and the Room of the Future
Víctor Sánchez Belmar, CEO Mashme.io, Andrew Stott (site: UPM – Madrid)
IPv6 Task Forces
Rosa Delgado, Head of IPv6 Council of Peru (site: Geneva)
Carlos Ralli, Head of IPv6 Council of Spain (site: UPM – Madrid)
Red Clara sites
Florencio Utreras, ex Director Red Clara (site: Santiago, Chile)
Daniel Díaz, Director Inictel-UNI y Joel Tellez, Director Innov. (site: INICTEL – Peru)
Sandra Aguirre & more, Univ. de los Andes (site: UNIANDES – Bogota, Colombia)
Jose E. Cordova & more, ESPOL (site: ESPOL, Ecuador)
Luiz Rasseli, Red Clara (site: Uruguay)
18:50 Closure
Javier Jimenez Leube, Vicerrector Communication (site: UPM – Madrid)
Bernhard Fabianek, Research & Innov. – Int. Cooperation Eu. (site: UPM – Madrid)
Encarna Pastor, Director Dpt. Telematics Engineering, ETSIT – UPM (site: UPM – Madrid)
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